CANGZHOU KENUO MACHINERY Cangzhou kenuo international
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Delay of our cutting machine mill returning to work
Author:   From:   Date: 2020-02-16  Popularity: 1564  【Font: T  T

        Because of the affect of the New Pneumonia in China during Chinese spring festival,our holiday prolonged to be the beginning of March in 2020.

Doctors in Wuhan,Hubei province in South of China have detected a type of pneumonia in December,2019.It is a new virus,that is both highly drug-resistant and spreads easily.
Based on the current knowledge, the incubation period of the virus, the interval between infection to onset of symptoms, can be as long as about 14 days.It has spread to our city  that several persons has been ill and all of us need to stay alert at home to avoid this.

We will work hard and fast for the production of cutting machine orders, when we return to work normally.
Hope the sudden outbreak will be over as soon as possible.

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