CANGZHOU KENUO MACHINERY Cangzhou kenuo international
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How many holes can your transformer core cutting machine cut?
Author:   From: Ausin  Date: 2022-11-14  Popularity: 707  【Font: T  T

How many holes can  your transformer core cutting machine cut?

Our core cutting  machine is specially designed for cutting silicon steel coils (crgo)into lamination cores for power transformers, welding machine and reactors. It can cut more shapes, such as mitered angle core, right angle core, lateral step lap core, longitudinal step lap core, column core, trapezoid core, parallelogram core, fish-head core, small angle removed core,multi hole core, single core, double core, etc.
1.For our straight core cutting machine,usually design twelve holes.
2.For our swing shear step lap core cutting machine usually design six holes.
3.For our multi hole core cutting machine,usually fifty holes in several rows per transformer lamination.

And we can design as per your drawings after confirmation.

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